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Jarrahdale Primary School has an established School Board with elected members who work with the school and community to achieve the best outcomes for our students.

The Board establishes a vision for the school that reflects the aspirations and needs of the community, members providing multiple skills and expertise to create planning and partnership areas. Strong community and business representation ensures the board can make an even more significant contribution to the development of the school.

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The responsibilities of the School Board are to:

  • Work within the Department of Education’s relevant legislation and regulations;

  • Monitor the progress of the school strategic plan;

  • Take part in establishing and reviewing the schools objectives, priorities and general policy direction and the financial arrangements necessary to fund the objective, priorities and directions;

  • Formulating codes of conduct for students at the school;

  • Determine with consultation the dress code for students attending the school;

  • Endorse and review the annual budget;

  • Provide advice to the Principal on religious education and related activities;

  • Promote the school in the community;

  • Approve fees, charges, contributions and items of a personal use – (booklists);

  • Liaise with other committees within the school eg P&C; and

  • Hold one open meeting each year to report to the school community.

Role of School Board members:

  • Parent members of the School Board bring their experience as parents at the school and the views and context of the wider school community to School Board Meetings;

  • Community Members bring wider perspectives, particular skills and expertise to the School Board. They may have business, accounting, building, or other skills that the school is looking for at that time; and

  • Department of Education employees bring their educational expertise to School Board meetings.

The School Board does not:

  • Manage the day to day running of the school;

  • Discuss individual issues relating to teachers, staff or parents – these are the responsibility of the principal;

  • Represent specific interest groups, or permit special interests to dominate the agenda of the Board;

  • Exercise authority over teaching staff or other persons employed at the school;

  • Intervene in the educational instructions of students; and

  • Performance manage the principal or any other staff member.

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